Originally published by Crystal Nay in Nut Grower Magazine
From mating disruption to sterilized insect technology, biological pesticides, navel orangeworm has been the subject of a great deal of research into mitigating and/or eliminating the pest. Aside from the technologies chemistries themselves, there’s an environmental sustainability factor that is quickly jumping to the Forefront of industry. In addition to the current options, a new alternative is making its way onto the scene and yielding intriguing results.
Crop Enhancement, based in San Jose, California, and founded by chemical engineer David Soane in his Soane Labs incubator, is gearing up to commercialize in the U.S. a unique product called CropCoat – an organic, non-toxic alternative for the control of navel orangeworm (NOW) that doesn’t actually act on the pest, but on the pest’s environment.
Read the full article in the National Nutgrower Magazine Pest Control Issue.